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 I've been publishing articles on viral content networks    01/12/2009

Readers I know it's been a while since I've updated this site so I thought I'd share whats been going on in my neck of the woods recently. I'm a specialist in the R&D engineering field and from my career experiences enjoy providing knowledgeable insights about this genre. I'm also an entrepreneur online so for me it's only natural to harness these combined traits in exploring online opportunities.


For the last nine months I've been participating in viral content networks across the web and this has pretty much kept me busy thoughout the year. One evening in early February A friend recommended this to me as she had been earning a lot of good revenue from publishing articles across media networks online. At first I asked

"so whats the difference between owning your own site and attributing to it than devoting your precious spare time to another?"  -

She replied with a smile and started to point out all the benefit's to what she termed as 'plugging in' after an hour or so into this conversation I started to see  her point of view and so committed myself in starting my own viral publication's enterprise. So what are the benefit's of doing this you ask? well these are some of the variables discussed that day;

Plugging In:

If you've had a presence online and know the dilemma involved with domain registering, web hosting, content writing, link building and visitor gathering, it can take a considerable amount of your time and is generally a daunting task to undertake.


I got this site to solve the domain registering and web hosting elements plus as an alternative to Blogspot which I personally find a bit overworked as web space online.

The only trouble is you need to develop a strong visitor presence to convey your message be it commercial or otherwise. So the long rocky journey in link building begins. You most probably find yourself in link building forums and studying what online marketers coin 'SEO' or Search Engine Optimization.


I can tell you from personal experience that this can be a slow process but a consistent one to acquire visitations to your site. However by plugging into viral networks with vibrant communities 24/7 you can bypass the standard snail like practices that has become the mainstay of webmasters in general.

"So what's the benefit of this and how can it help me archive my goals online? " -

Lets start from the beginning and look at it as if this is or was your first attempt to publish on the web and possibly earn revenue from it too!


We're told by online 'guru's' that you need to find a domain registrant purchase a domain that's hopefully not taken and register it, purchase some web server space with sufficient bandwidth and uptime, build links via link swapping in forums and the like, all in the hope that your sites genre and primary keywords will be noticed by the leading search engines, and hoping that we get to the first page for maximum traffic.


However after talking to Melisa earlier in February she pointed out to me that by doing the very opposite to this will dramatically increase your websites presence and can generate dynamic results with your commercial activities. At first this statement bewildered me but with further explanation I started to understand her logic. She was more or less saying that I needed to start my web developing attention in reverse, that is to focus on building a presence online before your site/s.


This is what you should be doing according to her wisdom:

1/ Find a free blog host that allows you to post commercial content (Blogspot, etc) and open an account there. If you prefer a private domain and web space you could do that instead. This will be the apex of all your viral publication accounts, were you can draw the maximum amount of visitors.

2/ Find as many viral publication sites that allow you to publish content on plus earn extra revenue from,  eg: PPC (PayPerClick) adverts like google adsense. Make sure they have a solid Alexa.com ranking in the top 100,000 and harbor a positive community within.

3/ Due to the large communities that exist on these sites it's not that hard to find friends within them and gain links via their fan club or make buddies portals. This is the 'Plug in' element that Melisa is referring to and with some effort on your behalf it doesn't take long to acquire a small 'quasi' community of your own and believe it or not this can take effect in as little as 24 hours. 


Some of these sites don't mind you adding your website to an article but adding it to every article you submit could have negative consequences. So the next best thing to do is add it to your bio. If the material you've written is generally interesting to the reader they're liable to click on your bio to see more info about you, I tend to think of this as an honor as my publication has drawn the attention of the reader. From here your now ready to receive an influx of fresh viral traffic who will go out of their way to find your website due to the attention your article/s influence has had on them.
Search engines like google love these massive sites and tend to place a higher authority preference to them in the results. To be honest with you most of the visitors find my commercial sites this way either though YouTube, Twitter, Hubpages, Squidoo, etc. It could take years and possibly 1000's of themed quality one way back links to get into the top 10 google for some of the most basic keywords like 'cheap musical instruments' or 'home contents insurance quotes' and the like. These terms have been so overworked in the past several years that I personally doubt that any new start up site could penetrate into them.

As stated it's most important that you get an ad affiliate link and utilize it with your submitted content. You'll end up generating a nice residual income on the side whilst your promoting your online presents and this in a lot of cases can become more profitable than your primary sites income.


Fact* Melisa owns a wedding blog in the top 85,000 Alexa.com built solely form these simple steps yet she earns about 30% of her PPC revenue from it, the rest being accredited to viral publication!

4/ Last but at least the fun bit, you can scout the Internet for free advertising boards, forums and the like to draw more attention (via linking) to particular articles that you're submitted to gain more visitations to them, also regarding the publication sites I'm talking about - AssociatedContent, Hubpages, etc have positive reputations online more so than some rouge blog (yikes that's me here and some other 200 million or so, and maybe yours as well!)

so adding reference links in comments on popular blogs to your articles would most likely be seen as positive feedback and not as spam.

And there you have it folks I'll post some stats here later in the new year which will show the success rate of this common sense approach. Before I go let me state that Hubpages has been the most effective so far and I've made this site my number one preference to date,

For further reading regarding Hubpages see:

hubpages.com > tour > hubpages


To benefit from their service:

hubpages.com > guide > overview > revenue




 Yogoe.com educational search engine                                      14/04/2009


About a month ago a few friends and I finished the indexing of a quaint little Google  customized experimental search engine that only lists .edu sites and their subdomains. This academic search engine known as Yogoe.com has an estimated 2500+ .edu  sites, and yes it took a while to complete with most being USA Collages and Universities.


If you wish to test drive the site it's recommended that you utilize Firefox 3.0+  for best display results, as there seems to be IE7 - IE8 browser problems with site  display. The site is very generic as far as presentation is concerned and I'll be tweeking it and upgrading it's look in the on going future as it's pretty ordinary at the moment.


To visit - link:  Yogoe.com




 Cost/Safety concerns with NASA's Ares moon rocket        19/01/2009


Engineers at NASA are concerned about the Ares 1 first stage. Simulations have shown that with its current design the engine would produce a frequency of about 25 Hz at liftoff. Due to Ares 1 structural design the concern is that this kinetic  oscillation could shake the systems upper stage and the Orion capsule that carries the human passengers. 


At worst this has the possibly to create considerable damage that could affect control avionics in the rocket's Instrumentation Unit. This launch system also requires two new radical engine development programs. 


A new five segment Solid Rocket Booster (SRB) for the 1st stage with its $3 billion development cost and J-2X Liquid propellant engine for the 2nd stage at an estimated $1.2 billion development cost.


It's also more than likely that further funding is needed plus a longer development  schedule due to the higher safety risk of new - unproven flight hardware. Recently  an alternative launch system to Are's I and V has been proposed by a group of  NASA engineers who say that it would be much safer and cheaper to focus on reconfiguring the current space shuttle's matured 'proven' rocket technology.


Their design proposal requires no major radical new designs as the Ares - Orion program calls for. This program known as DIRECT 2.0 calls upon the use of existing 'spaceware' without the need to radically modify them or develop new and untested designs (like Ares.) 


The DIRECT 2.0 Jupiter Launch Vehicle family can be directly configured from the shuttle's 1st stage solid rocket boosters and liquid fuel tank plus the launch engines from the RS-68 (Rocket System 68) developed for the Delta IV. 


If the DIRECT 2.0 Jupiter launch proposal could be utilized then it would allow NASA to shift it's funding to it's other science projects and extend it's ability to achieve more exploration science/per/dollar than the current projected Ares I and V manned lunar program.
Jupiter Direct’s backers estimate development costs for both of their models at $13 billion, compared to an estimated combined cost of $25 billion for the Ares I and V,  a saving of  $12 billion tax payers dollars. Given the circumstance's of the global economic crises this should be coincided thinking about! 


 For further reading see:


 Popular Mechanics - Frustrated Engineers Battle with NASA


 Wikipedia - "Jupiter" launch system




 Another netsight blog                                                                      29/11/2008


 carlos-osorio.com was conceived back in 02/03 by IT specialist Carlos Osorio, an academic from Harvard. This blog has since been updated to  provide the most recent information and includes such things as academic  postings, some web based topics and some general reviews as well. 


These include interesting websites, reviews on colleges and universities  plus other general information about these topic issues. This site is  maintained by myself and a few other volunteers to preserve it's original grace and integrity generated from its original creator, Carlos Osorio.




 New blog plugins 08/09                                                                 08/10/2008


A while back I visited a new Tech site called zemanta.com They have developed an application for Image insertion for blogs and websites alike. Its founders include, Aleš Špetič - managing director, Andraž Tori - founder and director and Boštjan Špetič,  founder and director of products, all share a common vision. 


Their mission is to design a new platform for accelerating on-line content production for blogs and websites alike through the use of Images and similar content enhancement from open soures like wikipedia and others, all with one simple plug in. 

If you like the sound of this feel free to test drive the  plug-in/application at: zemanta.com/demo




 The forbidden planet Ymir                                                              16/9/2008


Gliese 581c nicknamed by some as the planet 'Ymir' has made headlines across the media as our closes Earth like world discovered and one of the smallest 'exoplanets' found to date with astrological conditions not to dissimilar to Earth. This planet orbits a red dwarf known as Gliese 581 has about 5 x the mass of Earth and is about 1 and ahalf x its size. 


The planet is also considered a rocky world. European scientists made the discovery with the Eso 3.6m telescope in Chilie. Its parent star (Gliese 581) is also one of our closest galatic neighbours at about 20.3 light years away in the Libra constellation making it an ideal candidate for the investigation into the possibility of extraterrestrial life. 


What makes this planet special is not only its size but its distance form the parent star allowing it to sustain liquid water and atmospheric temperatures ranging from 0C to 40C. Gliese 581c's full orbital period is about 13 days making it 14 times closer to its star than what our planet Earth is to our sun. 


Fortunately its sun (Gliese 581c) operating temperature is a lot cooler than ours, a unique feature that allows Gliese 581c to hold ideal conditions to possibly support liquid water or even life. This can only be pure speculation as more observation and climatology modeling would be required to actually confirm its surface conditions.


Recent observations and more in depth modeling techniques about this planets environment determine it to be just outside an 'eco-belt' orbital path, that being a planet orbiting its star at such a distance where it should be possible to sustain liquid water, an element critical for life. 


Even if this planet is considered to be an ice world its sister planet Gliese 581d (8 Earth masses) could be the next likely candidate for an Earth like world as it is closer to the parent start.


 For futher reading see:


 ESO.org - Astronomers Find First Earth-like Planet in Habitable Zone


 NASA - Planet Gliese 581c


 Geochemical News - The Neighbor: Gliese 581c  (Planet Ymir)






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